Friday, February 24, 2012

Balloon Car Challenge

Your challenge is to build a balloon car that travels the farthest, carrying 5 pennies, on tile or carpet (we will try on both).  However, all good engineers need to consider cost when designing a project.  Each item that you use will have an associated "cost", even if you provide it yourself (see me for a cost on original materials).  You will have two class periods to build your design, and we will have a competition the week of March 5th.  Your final project must include the following:

1.  a completed, functioning balloon car
2.  a budget with a total cost for supplies
3.  a Keynote presentation or iMovie that "advertises" your design and its cost.  It must also describe how the car demonstrates EACH of the 3 laws of motion
4.  post the presentation/movie to Facebook or email it to me

Friday, February 17, 2012

Newton's Laws of Motion

You will create a movie or podcast showing, explaining or demonstrating Newton's 3 Laws of Motion.

-You could make a podcast like the "Element" podcast, that is mostly descriptive.
-You can make a movie where you film objects demonstrating each law.
-You can make a movie where you film yourselves demonstrating each law.

You will have two class periods to complete this assignment, before we begin working on our next design challenge.

The final movie is due by Feb 22nd in my inbox or on the FB group wall.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Motion pHet Labs

Today, you are going to explore two virtual labs. Use the pdf that I emailed earlier to complete your assignment. Put your answers in Pages, and email your assignment at the end of class.

Forces and Motion:

REMEMBER:  Click the green "Run Now" button to use the tutorial.
 ----ALSO, you cannot use these tutorials on your iPad, because they require Flashplayer...use a computer for the virtual lab, but put your answers in Pages!